Academic Resources by Hallmarks


The Diversity Program Consortium has identified Hallmarks of Success program-wide goals of the DPC program that also serve as metrics to evaluate the impact of the program on students, faculty, and institutions. This curated list of foundational and current peer-reviewed literature is narrowed to the scope of each Hallmark for members of the DPC, and anyone interested in efforts to improve training and mentoring to support pathways into a successful biomedical research career. Current literature is limited to student hallmarks; faculty and institutional hallmarks will be added in the future.

To suggest possible additions to this curated list, please email the full citation to for review.


STU (Student)-1 & 2: Self Efficacy

*last updated 10-15-2019

Specific Focus: Introduction to Self- Efficacy

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.

Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287.

Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4(3), 359-373.

Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman.

Bandura, A., and Adams, N. E. (1977). Analysis of self-efficacy theory of behavioral change. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 1(4), 287-310.

Margolis, H., and McCabe, P. P. (2006). Improving self-efficacy and motivation: What to do, what to say. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41(4), 218-227.

Marsh, H. W., Pekrun, R., Parker, P. D., Murayama, K., Guo, J., Dicke, T., Arens, A. K. 2019. The murky distinction between self-concept and self-efficacy: Beware of lurking jingle-jangle fallacies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(2), 331.

Specific Focus: Academic Self-Efficacy

Bilgin, I., Karakuyu, Y., & Ay, Y. (2015). The effects of project based learning on undergraduate students? achievement and self-efficacy beliefs towards science teaching. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(3), 469-477.

Bong, M., & Skaalvik, E. M. (2003). Academic self-concept and self-efficacy: How different are they really? Educational Psychology Review, 15(1), 1-40.

Chemers, M. M., Hu, L. T., & Garcia, B. F. (2001). Academic self-efficacy and first year college student performance and adjustment. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(1), 55-64.

Choi, N. (2005). Self?efficacy and self?concept as predictors of college students' academic performance. Psychology in the Schools, 42(2), 197-205.

Fencl H, Scheel K (2005). Engaging students: an examination of the effects of teaching strategies on self-efficacy and course climate in a nonmajors physics course. Journal of College Science Teaching, 35(1), 20?24.

Foulstone, A. R., & Kelly, A. (2019). Enhancing academic self-efficacy and performance among fourth year psychology students: Findings from a short educational intervention. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(2), 9.

Gore Jr, P. A. (2006). Academic self-efficacy as a predictor of college outcomes: Two incremental validity studies. Journal of Career Assessment, 14(1), 92-115.

Honicke, T., & Broadbent, J. (2016). The influence of academic self-efficacy on academic performance: A systematic review. Educational Research Review, 17(1), 63-84.

Multon, K. D., Brown, S. D., & Lent, R. W. (1991). Relation of self-efficacy beliefs to academic outcomes: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 38(1), 30-38.

Pajares, F. (1996). Self-efficacy beliefs in academic settings. Review of Educational Research, 66(4), 543-578.

Schunk, D. H. (1991). Self-efficacy and academic motivation. Educational Psychologist, 26(3-4), 207-231.

Vuong, M., Brown-Welty, S., & Tracz, S. (2010). The effects of self-efficacy on academic success of first-generation college sophomore students. Journal of College Student Development, 51(1), 50-64.

Specific Focus: Career Self-Efficacy

Betz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (2006). Career self-efficacy theory: Back to the future. Journal of Career Assessment, 14(1), 3-11.

Betz, N. E., & Hackett, G. (1981). The relationship of career-related self-efficacy expectations to perceived career options in college women and men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28(5), 399-410.

Lent, R. W. (2005). A social cognitive view of career development and counseling. In S.D.

Brown & R.W. Lent (Eds.), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work. (pp. 101-130). New York: Wiley.

Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (1994). Toward a unifying social cognitive theory of career and academic interest, choice, and performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 45(1), 79-122.

Lent, R. W., Brown, S. D., & Hackett, G. (2000). Contextual supports and barriers to career choice: A social cognitive analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47(1), 36-49.

Specific Focus: Self-Efficacy (Generally) in STEM

Ballen, C. J., Wieman, C., Salehi, S., Searle, J. B., & Zamudio, K. R. (2017). Enhancing diversity in undergraduate science: Self-efficacy drives performance gains with active learning. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 16(4), ar56. DOI:10.1187/cbe.16-12-0344

Rittmayer, A. D., & Beier, M. E. (2008). Overview: Self-efficacy in STEM. SWE-AWE CASEE Overviews, 1-12.

Wilson, D., Jones, D., Bocell, F., Crawford, J., Kim, M.J., Veilleux, N., Floyd-Smith, T., Bates, R. and Plett, M. (2015). Belonging and academic engagement among undergraduate STEM students: A multi-institutional study. Research in Higher Education, 56(7), 750-776.

Specific Focus:  Mentorship and STEM

Christe, B. (2013). The Importance of Faculty-Student Connections in STEM Disciplines: A Literature Review. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research, 14(3), 22-26.

Specific Focus:  Self-Efficacy for Underrepresented and/or Disadvantaged Groups (URGs)

Byars, A., & Hackett, G. (1998). Applications of social cognitive theory to the career development of women of color. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 7, 255-267.

Carpi, A., Ronan, D. M., Falconer, H. M., & Lents, N. H. (2017). Cultivating minority scientists: Undergraduate research increases self?efficacy and career ambitions for underrepresented students in STEM. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(2), 169-194.

Fife, J. E., Bond, S., & Byars-Winston, A. (2011). Correlates and Predictors of Academic Self Efficacy among African American Students. Education, 132(1), 141-148.

MacPhee, D., Farro, S., & Canetto, S. S. (2013). Academic self?efficacy and performance of underrepresented STEM majors: Gender, ethnic, and social class patterns. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 13(1), 347-369.

Marra, R. M., Rodgers, K. A., Shen, D., & Bogue, B. (2009). Women engineering students and self?efficacy: A multi?year, multi?institution study of women engineering student self?efficacy. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(1), 27-38.

Santiago, A. M., & Einarson, M. K. (1998). Background characteristics as predictors of academic self-confidence and academic self-efficacy among graduate science and engineering students. Research in Higher Education, 39(2), 163-198.

Wilson, D., Bates, R., Scott, E. P., Painter, S. M., & Shaffer, J. (2015). Differences in self-efficacy among women and minorities in STEM. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 21(1). ar34. DOI:10.1187/cbe.16-07-0211

Specific Focus:  Research Self-Efficacy

Adedokun, O. A., Bessenbacher, A. B., Parker, L. C., Kirkham, L. L., & Burgess, W. D. (2013).

Research skills and STEM undergraduate research students' aspirations for research careers: Mediating effects of research self?efficacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(8), 940-951.

Maton, K. I., Beason, T. S., Godsay, S., Sto. Domingo, M. R., Bailey, T. C., Sun, S., & Hrabowski III, F. A. (2016). Outcomes and processes in the Meyerhoff scholars program: STEM PhD completion, sense of community, perceived program benefit, science identity, and research self-efficacy. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 15(3), ar48. DOI:10.1187/cbe.16-01-0062

Specific Focus:  Research Self-Efficacy in the Biomedical Disciplines for URGs

Gibbs Jr, K. D., McGready, J., & Griffin, K. (2015). Career development among American biomedical postdocs. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 14(4), ar44. DOI:10.1187/cbe.15-03-0075

Bakken, L. L., Byars-Winston, A., Gundermann, D. M., Ward, Ward, E.C., Slattery, A., King, A., Scott, D. and Taylor, R.E. (2010). Effects of an educational intervention on female biomedical scientists? research self-efficacy. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 15(2), 167-183.

STU (Student)-3: High Science Identity

*last updated 10-15-2019

Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2011). Toward a model of social influence that explains minority student integration into the scientific community. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(1), 206-222.

Kelman, H. C. (2006). Interests, relationships, identities: Three central issues for individuals and groups in negotiating their social environment. Annual Review of Psychology, 57(1), 1-26.

Kelman, H. C. (1958). Compliance, identification, and internalization three processes of attitude change. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2(1), 51-60.

Carlone, H. B., & Johnson, A. (2007). Understanding the science experiences of successful women of color: Science identity as an analytic lens. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(8), 1187-1218.

Chang, M. J., Eagan, M. K., Lin, M. H., & Hurtado, S. (2011). Considering the impact of racial stigmas and science identity: Persistence among biomedical and behavioral science aspirants. The Journal of Higher Education, 82(5), 564-596.

Murphy, M. C., Steele, C. M., & Gross, J. J. (2007). Signaling threat: How situational cues affect women in math, science, and engineering settings. Psychological Science, 18(10), 879-885.

Steele, C. M. (1997). A threat in the air: How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance. American Psychologist, 52(6), 613.

STU (Student)-4: Satisfaction with Quality of Mentorship

*last updated 10-15-2019

Specific Focus: Quality, Quantity, & Satisfaction/Perceptions

Allen, T. D., Eby, L. T., & Lentz, E. (2006). Mentorship behaviors and mentorship quality associated with formal mentoring programs: closing the gap between research and practice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(3), 567.

Estrada, M., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2018). A longitudinal study of how quality mentorship and research experience integrate underrepresented minorities into STEM careers. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 17(1), ar9.

Feldman, M. D., Huang, L., Guglielmo, B. J., Jordan, R., Kahn, J., Creasman, J. M., Weiner-Kronish, J.P., Lee, K. A., Tehrani, A., Yaffe, K., & Brown, J. S. (2009). Training the next generation of research mentors: The University of California, San Francisco, clinical & translational science institute mentor development program. Clinical and Translational Science, 2(3), 216-221.

Hayes, A. R., & Bigler, R. S. (2013). Gender-related values, perceptions of discrimination, and mentoring in STEM graduate training. International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology, 5(3), 254-280.

Hernandez, P. R., Estrada, M., Woodcock, A., & Schultz, P. W. (2017). Prot?g? perceptions of high mentorship quality depend on shared values more than on demographic match. The Journal of Experimental Education, 85(3), 450-468.

Kasprisin, C. A., Single, P. B., Single, R. M., Ferrier, J. L., & Muller, C. B. (2008). Improved mentor satisfaction: Emphasising prot?g? training for adult?age mentoring dyads. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 16(2), 163-174.

Kendricks, K. D., Nedunuri, K. V., & Arment, A. R. (2013). Minority student perceptions of the impact of mentoring to enhance academic performance in STEM disciplines. Journal of STEM Education: Innovations & Research, 14(2), 38-46.

Ramanan, R. A., Phillips, R. S., Davis, R. B., Silen, W., & Reede, J. Y. (2002). Mentoring in medicine: Keys to satisfaction. The American Journal of Medicine, 112(4), 336-341.

Van Eps, M. A., Cooke, M., Creedy, D. K., & Walker, R. (2006). Student evaluations of a year-long mentorship program: A quality improvement initiative. Nurse Education Today, 26(6), 519-524.

Xu, X., & Payne, S. C. (2014). Quantity, quality, and satisfaction with mentoring: What matters most?. Journal of Career Development, 41(6), 507-525.

Zaniewski, A. M., & Reinholz, D. (2016). Increasing STEM success: a near-peer mentoring program in the physical sciences. International Journal of STEM Education, 3(1), 14.

STU (Student)-5: Perceived Sense of Belonging Within the Research Community

*last  updated 10-15-2019

Bollen, K. A., & Hoyle, R. H. (1990). Perceived cohesion: A conceptual and empirical examination. Social Forces, 69(2), 479-504.

Hoffman, M., Richmond, J., Morrow, J., & Salomone, K. (2002). Investigating ?sense of belonging? in first-year college students. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 4(3), 227-256.

Hurtado, S., Alvarado, A. R., & Guillermo-Wann, C. (2012). Inclusive learning environments: Modeling a relationship between validation, campus climate for diversity, and sense of belonging. In Annual Conference of the Association for Studies in Higher Education (Vol. 53, pp. 1689-1699).

STU (Student)-9: Persistence in Biomedical Degree or other Formal Research Traning Program

*last updated 10-15-2019

Specific Focus: Persistence in Biomedical/STEM  Baccalaureate Attainment

Allen, J., & Robbins, S. B. (2008). Prediction of college major persistence based on vocational interests, academic preparation, and first-year academic performance. Research in Higher Education, 49(1), 62-79.

Chang, M. J., Cerna, O., Han, J., & Saenz, V. (2008). The contradictory roles of institutional status in retaining underrepresented minorities in biomedical and behavioral science majors. The Review of Higher Education, 31(4), 433-464.

Chang, M. J., Eagan, M. K., Lin, M. H., & Hurtado, S. (2011). Considering the impact of racial stigmas and science identity: Persistence among biomedical and behavioral science aspirants. The Journal of Higher Education, 82(5), 564-596.

Estrada, M. (2014). Ingredients for improving the culture of STEM degree attainment with co-curricular supports for underrepresented minority students. National Academies of Sciences White Paper.

Estrada, M., Burnett, M., Campbell, A. G., Campbell, P. B., Denetclaw, W. F., Guti?rrez, C. G., Hurtado, S., John, G.H., Matsui, J., McGee, R., Okpodu, C. M., Robinson, T.J., Summers, M.F., Werner-Washbrne, M., & Zavala, M. (2016). Improving underrepresented minority student persistence in STEM. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 15(3), es5.

Hines, S. M. (1997, March). Factors influencing persistence among African American upperclassmen in natural sciences and science related majors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

Hurtado, S., Newman, C. B., Tran, M. C., & Chang, M. J. (2010). Improving the rate of success for underrepresented racial minorities in STEM fields: Insights from a national project. New Directions for Institutional Research, 148(1), 5-15.

Toven-Lindsey, B., Levis-Fitzgerald, M., Barber, P. H., & Hasson, T. (2015). Increasing persistence in undergraduate science majors: a model for institutional support of underrepresented students. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 14(2), ar12.

Specific Focus: Persistence in Biomedical/STEM Graduate Programs

Foltz, L. G., Gannon, S., & Kirschmann, S. L. (2014). Factors that contribute to the persistence of minority students in STEM fields. Planning for Higher Education, 42(4), 1-13.

Gazley, J. L., Remich, R., Naffziger?Hirsch, M. E., Keller, J., Campbell, P. B., & McGee, R. (2014). Beyond preparation: Identity, cultural capital, and readiness for graduate school in the biomedical sciences. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(8), 1021-1048.

Gibbs Jr, K. D., McGready, J., Bennett, J. C., & Griffin, K. (2014). Biomedical science Ph. D. career interest patterns by race/ethnicity and gender. PloS one, 9(12), e114736.

Hall, J. D., Harrell, J. R., Cohen, K. W., Miller, V. L., Phelps, P. V., & Cook, J. G. (2016). Preparing postbaccalaureates for entry and success in biomedical PhD programs. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 15(3), ar27.

Pacheco, W. I., Noel Jr, R. J., Porter, J. T., & Appleyard, C. B. (2015). Beyond the GRE: Using a composite score to predict the success of Puerto Rican Students in a biomedical PhD program. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 14(2), ar13.

Palmer, R. T., Maramba, D. C., & Dancy, T. E. (2011). A qualitative investigation of factors promoting the retention and persistence of students of color in STEM. The Journal of Negro Education, 80(4), 491-504.

Reichert, W. M. (2006). A success story: Recruiting & retaining underrepresented minority doctoral students in biomedical engineering. Liberal Education, 92(3), 52-55.

Remich, R., Jones, R., Wood, C. V., Campbell, P. B., & McGee, R. (2016). How women in biomedical PhD programs manage gender consciousness as they persist toward academic research careers. Academic Medicine 91(8), 1119-27.

Rohrbaugh, M. C., & Corces, V. G. (2011). Opening pathways for underrepresented high school students to biomedical research careers: the Emory University RISE program. Genetics, 189(4), 1135-1143.

Wilson, M. A., DePass, A. L., & Bean, A. J. (2018). Institutional interventions that remove barriers to recruit and retain diverse biomedical PhD students. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 17(2), ar27.

Specific Focus: Measurements of Persistence

Byars-Winston, A., Rogers, J., Branchaw, J., Pribbenow, C., Hanke, R., & Pfund, C. (2016). New measures assessing predictors of academic persistence for historically underrepresented racial/ethnic undergraduates in science. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 15(3), ar32.

Specific Focus: Undergraduate Research Programs

Alfred, L. J., Atkins, C., Lopez, M., Chavez, T., Avila, V., & Paolini, P. (2005). A science pipeline pathway for training underrepresented students in the biomedical sciences. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 11(1), 45-60.

Carter, F. D., Mandell, M., & Maton, K. I. (2009). The influence of on-campus, academic year undergraduate research on STEM Ph.D. outcomes: Evidence from the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(4), 441-462.

Ghee, M., Keels, M., Collins, D., Neal-Spence, C., & Baker, E. (2016). Fine-tuning summer research programs to promote underrepresented students? persistence in the STEM pathway. CBE?Life Sciences Education, 15(3), ar28.

Graham, M. J., Frederick, J., Byars-Winston, A., Hunter, A. B., & Handelsman, J. (2013). Increasing persistence of college students in STEM. Science, 341(1), 1455-1456.

Hurtado, S., Cabrera, N. L., Lin, M. H., Arellano, L., & Espinosa, L. L. (2009). Diversifying science: Underrepresented student experiences in structured research programs. Research in Higher Education, 50(2), 189-214.

Jones, M. T., Barlow, A. E., & Villarejo, M. (2010). Importance of undergraduate research for minority persistence and achievement in biology. The Journal of Higher Education, 81(1), 82-115.

Myers, C. B., & Pavel, D. M. (2011). Underrepresented students in STEM: The transition from undergraduate to graduate programs. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 4(2), 90-105.

Vieyra, M., Gilmore, J., & Timmerman, B. (2011). Requiring research may improve retention in STEM fields for underrepresented women. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 32(1), 13-20.

STU (Student)-10: Frequent Receipt of Mentoring to Enhance Success in the Biomedical Pathway

*last updated 10-15-2019

Gregerman, S. R., Lerner, J. S., Von Hippel, W., Jonides, J., & Nagda, B. A. (1998). Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships affect student retention. The Review of Higher Education, 22(1), 55-72.

Hathaway, R. S., Nagda, B. A., & Gregerman, S. R. (2002). The relationship of undergraduate research participation to graduate and professional education pursuit: An empirical study. Journal of College Student Development, 43(5), 614-631.

Pfund, C., Byars-Winston, A., Branchaw, J., Hurtado, S., & Eagan, K. (2016). Defining attributes and metrics of effective research mentoring relationships. AIDS and Behavior, 20(2), 238-248.

STU (Student)-11: Participation in Mentored or Supervised Biomedical Research

*last updated 10-15-2019

Boyington, J. E., Maihle, N. J., Rice, T. K., Gonzalez, J. E., Hess, C. A., Makala, L. H., Jeffe, D.B., Ogedegbe, G., Rao, D., D?vila-Rom?n, G., Pace, B.S., Jean-Louis, G., & Boutjdir, M.(2016). A perspective on promoting diversity in the biomedical research workforce: The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute?s PRIDE Program. Ethnicity & Disease, 26(3), 379-386.

Byington, C. L., Keenan, H., Phillips, J. D., Childs, R., Wachs, E., Berzins, M. A., Clark, K., Torres, M.K., Abramson, J., Lee, V.,& Clark, E. B. (2016). A matrix mentoring model that effectively supports clinical and translational scientists and increases inclusion in biomedical research: Lessons from the University of Utah. Academic Medicine, 91(4), 497-502.

Chopin, S. F. (2002). Undergraduate research experiences: The translation of science education from reading to doing. The Anatomical Record, 269(1), 3-10.

D?Souza, M., Dwyer, P., Allison, B., Miller, J., & Drohan, J. (2011). Wesley College ignites potential with undergraduate research program. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly, 32(2), 41-45.

Estrada, M., Hernandez, P. R., & Schultz, P. W. (2018). A longitudinal study of how quality mentorship and research experience integrate underrepresented minorities into STEM careers. CBE?Life Sciences Education17(1), ar9.

Gregerman, S. R., Lerner, J. S., Von Hippel, W., Jonides, J., & Nagda, B. A. (1998). Undergraduate student-faculty research partnerships affect student retention. The Review of Higher Education, 22(1), 55-72.

Holsti, M., Hawkins, S., Bloom, K., White, R., Clark, E. B., & Byington, C. L. (2015). Increasing diversity of the biomedical workforce through community engagement: The University of Utah Native American summer research internship. Clinical and Translational Science, 8(2), 87-90.

Jones, M. T., Barlow, A. E., & Villarejo, M. (2010). Importance of undergraduate research for minority persistence and achievement in biology. The Journal of Higher Education, 81(1), 82-115.

Kam, B. H. (1997). Style and quality in research supervision: the supervisor dependency factor. Higher Education, 34(1), 81-103.

MacLachlan, A. J. (2012). Minority undergraduate programs intended to increase participation in biomedical careers. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine, 79(6), 769-781.

McGee Jr, R., Saran, S., & Krulwich, T. A. (2012). Diversity in the biomedical research workforce: Developing talent. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine: A Journal of Translational and Personalized Medicine, 79(3), 397-411.

Ognibene, F. P., Gallin, J. I., Baum, B. J., Wyatt, R. G., & Gottesman, M. M. (2016). Outcomes from the NIH Clinical Research Training Program: A mentored research experience to enhance career development of clinician?scientists. Academic Medicine, 91(12), 1684-1690.

Sorkness, C., Pfund, C., Ofili, E., Okuyemi, K., & Vishwanatha, J. (2017). A new approach to mentoring for research careers: Training in the National Research Mentoring Network. BioMed Central Proceedings, 11(Suppl 12), 22. DOI 10.1186/s12919-017-0083-8

Sweeney, J. K., & Villarejo, M. (2013). Influence of an academic intervention program on minority student career choice. Journal of College Student Development, 54(5), 534-540.

Taylor, B. E., Reynolds, A. J., Etz, K. E., MacCalla, N. M., Cotter, P. A., DeRuyter, T. L., & Hueffer, K. (2017, December). BUILDing BLaST: Promoting rural students? biomedical research careers using a culturally responsive, one health approach. BioMed Central Proceedings, 11(Suppl 12), 13. DOI 10.1186/s12919-017-0092-7

Van Ness, G. R., & Widenhorn, R. (2012). Engaging the community through an undergraduate biomedical physics course. American Journal of Physics, 80(12), 1094-1098.

Wallen, M., & Pandit, A. (2009). Developing research competencies through a project-based tissue-engineering module in the biomedical engineering undergraduate curriculum. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 223(4), 443-448.

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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