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Twenty-three XULA BUILD Project Pathways Trainees were honored during the 2021 Xavier University of Louisiana Commencement ceremony on May 8.
In accordance with local, federal and university health guidelines, the 2021 Commencement ceremony at Xavier was split into two hybrid ceremonies. Graduates and alumni who graduated in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree were honored during the first ceremony, while other degrees were conferred later in the afternoon at the second ceremony. Each graduate was allowed to have two guests.
To protect graduates and their guests, negative COVID-19 tests were to be pre-submitted and masking was required.
Former BUILD trainee William Winchester and BUILD technicians Jere Williams and Teresa Beamon were honored during the ceremony as December 2020 graduates. Trainee Karen Osei-Boamah received a B.S. in both biology and biochemistry.
Some BUILD trainees are still considering their next move, but all graduates are excited about what their future will entail.
The XULA BUILD Project Pathways class of 2021