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The DPC continued its Phase II webinar series with “The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM–Highlights from the recent National Academies Press Report” on Jan. 17, 2020. The webinar speakers included three members of the DPC community, Drs. Sylvia Hurtado, Rick McGee and Chris Pfund, who participated in a National Academies Press (NAP) committee studying mentoring programs and practices at the graduate and undergraduate level. The presenters reviewed highlights from the resulting NAP report, “The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM.”
After providing background on the consensus study and mentorship concepts and contexts, presenters outlined the report’s nine recommendations: Adopt an operational definition of mentorship in STEMM, use an evidence-based approach to support mentorship, establish and use structured feedback systems to improve mentorship at all levels, recognize and respond to identities in mentorship, support multiple mentorship structures, reward effective mentorship, mitigate negative mentorship experiences, recommendations for funding agencies that support mentorship, and recommendations to scholars of mentorship. To learn more watch our recorded webinar or visit the National Academies of Science. The report can be downloaded and an interactive online guide provides resources, mentoring tools and key information.
A fourth DPC member, Angela Byars-Winston, Ph.D., chaired the committee that generated the report.