CSULB BUILD Celebrates Culmination, New Beginnings and Continued Growth

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Contact Info: Enrique.Flores@csulb.edu

Culmination Celebration

On Friday, May 11, the California State University, Long Beach BUILD program hosted its second annual Commencement Ceremony. The ceremony honored CSULB BUILD’s second cohort of upper division students who officially completed the program. The group was comprised of 37 Scholars (students who completed two years of the program) and three Fellows (senior students who have one year left before graduation from CSULB). Of the 40 students who were honored at the event, 30 graduated from CSULB in May with a bachelor’s degree. Seventeen of those 30 graduates will be attending graduate school this fall, five of whom will be attending the University of California, Irvine, one of our CSULB BUILD’s Research 1 (R1) partner institutions. Eight students will be returning to BUILD as third-year Scholars.

Continued Growth and New Beginnings

The summer is full of continued growth and new beginnings for CSULB BUILD students. During the summer, 27 of the continuing Scholars are attending internships across the nation. The program inducted a new cohort of 42 first-year Scholars and four Fellows (both groups are upper division students), and 30 Associates (lower division students)—expanding their program’s student body by joining the continuing 38 scholars.

On Friday, July 27, the program hosted it’s 4th Annual CSULB BUILD Summer Symposium, where new Scholars and Fellows had the opportunity to present their research for the first time. Students invited their families and friends to come learn about research, the program, and mingle with everyone involved in the CSULB BUILD team. 




The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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