Elder Tree Interviews DPC Site “Influencers”

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Elder Tree brings its digital and media magic to capture and capitalize the ongoing efforts of DPC members to measure their success in reaching their own and the Consortium’s goals. The company has decades of digital advertising and media success, winning Emmy’s for its clever and compelling television commercials and spots, including the Brooklyn Nets, NFL, YES Network, Fox and Fox Sports.


In Bethesda, Elder Tree launched its involvement with the DPC in a big way, gathering a 12-person media team to interview and record the thoughts, emotions, and experiences of 39 of the Conference attendees. Arriving three days before the Conference began, Elder Tree set up a fully functioning television studio in an adjoining conference space, including industry-standard lighting, makeup, staging, and green-screen capacities. Drawing participants from each school, as well as from the NRMN, CEC, and NIH, Elder Tree then spent 20 hours over the two-day conference period recording 39 x 15-minute survey interviews, each seeking information about the Project and what it means to the speaker. By the time of the conference wrap-up, Elder Tree had captured hours of video images and commentary that reflect the current depth, breadth and scope of the Project and its affiliated BUILD, NRMN, and CEC strategies.


Next, the Elder Tree team shifts to post-production, editing the video and accompanying data, visuals, and sound into a series of video spots, each highlighting a BUILD school. While that’s going on, Elder Tree’s marketing team will be creating the campaigns that the DPC will use to further engage each school and its affiliated communities, as well as to track the alignment and cohesion of the DPC goals across all sectors.


Keep an eye on the DPC newsletter for updates and information about the efforts of Elder Tree and the entire DPC as it works to deepen the diversity of the biomedical workforce.  

The Diversity Program Consortium Coordination and Evaluation Center at UCLA is supported by Office of the Director of the National Institutes of Health / National Institutes of General Medical Sciences under award number U54GM119024.
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